90 Years Ago Today!!. . .

kids . . .a very, VERY special person was born.
January 30, 1919.

Marcella Gertrude Wapelhorst
(Who is now Marcella Gertrude Wapelhorst Stock).

When we were younger, my cousins and I would ask her over and over again, “Grandma, what is your name again?” When you’re a little person, that name seems like SUCH a mouth-full!!


I have never met a more caring person ever in my life!! She never stresses and I can HONESTLY say that I have NEVER seen Grandma upset or mad – EVER! I honestly think that is the reason why she has lived soooo long, and is STILL kickin’!! I think the more stress you have in your life, the less years you will live! She has proven this fact to me!

She married Joseph Stock (I don’t know the exact year) and after a few years and after being told that they could not have kids, they adopted a little boy and named him Joseph (not a Jr.). Approximately six short months later, they received a call from someone at their church – there was a baby girl whose birth Mother was only 15-years-old, who was born on Christmas Day and needed a home – did they want another baby? They adopted the baby girl and named her Patricia. Years later, after being told that they could not have children and after adopting two babies, they ended up having three more children naturally. Mark was born in 1958, then came Donald and last but not least John. When the three boys were still pretty young, Grandpa passed away, leaving Grandma to raise three children on her own. (The two oldest were older and could take care of themselves, for the most part.)

Grandma was such a STRONG person. After raising/dealing with four very very rambunctious boys – one that went AWOL and dealing with military walking into your home without knocking – car accidents – just things boys do – etc. . .Grandma is lucky she made it out alive!! (Of course, it was just the boys that gave her ALL the trouble, her little girl was perfect, and never did anything wrong! 😉 )

Before we lost Uncle Joe, there were about 27 of us, and we just keep on growing (one due in 2009).
An explanation of the family.

Joseph (RIP 2001)
Married Laura
(3rd Marriage)
Kids are: (1st Marriage) Shandala (married Bill) and Joseph (married Tricia)
(2nd Marriage) Justin (married Julie) and Jessica
(3rd Marriage) Dylan, Cheyenne and Dakota
Shandala’s Kids: Mariah, Cameron and Marley
Joseph’s Kids: Tatum and Trent
Justin’s Kid: baby on the way
(His is more “complicated” than the rest. haha)

Married William
Kids are: Adam, Trisha (married Ric), and Leah

Married Corrine
Kids are: Kathryn (married Jon) and Mitchell

Married Michelle
Kids are: Courtney (engaged to Justin – 2009 wedding), Jayme (married Dan) and Michael

Married Karen
Kids are: Joseph

Grandma is getting a digital frame from me for her b-day gift, so I have been having fun digging up old pictures, scanning them in and adding them to the collection to put on the digi frame, along with more recent pictures from weddings, parties, etc. (Whoever invented digi frames is a genius!)

Here are some that I have found and can’t wait for her to see. . .
We’ll start with the pictures that she is in. In random order, as they will be on the frame.
Grandma with With Uncle John.

This was in 1994, I was in my High School’s musical, Oklahoma, and this is after the show the night that my Grandma and Uncle Mark, Aunt Corrie, Katie and Mitch came to see me.
(Yes, I wasn’t the “skinny girl” in High School. haha)

Christmas, 2008.
The Don Stock family – minus Aunt Michelle.

Grandma and Cousin Courtney. 2007

Grandma and I ringing in the new year. 2008

Uncle Don, Grandma and Mark. Jayme’s wedding – 2007.

Grandma and William (my Dad). Leah’s dessert buffet – 2008.

Grandma getting down on the dance floor. 88 (at the time) and still has the moves! 😉
Jayme’s wedding – 2007.

Dancing some more with my Mom.

Group photo at Jayme and Dan’s wedding. 2007
Obviously there are some people missing from this picture.

Family picture. 1997
(It is actually a picture of a picture, which is why it is poor quality.)
The only one missing from this picture is Joseph, he wasn’t born until 2003.
We have lost Uncle Joe since this picture too. 😦

Grandma and I at my 30th b-day. 2008

Grandma and Justin. Katie’s wedding – 2007

Grandma and Julie (Justin’s wife). Katie’s wedding – 2007

Grandma and “Grandma” Doris. Doris is Aunt Corrine’s Mother – I adopted her as my Grandma too! 🙂 Katie’s wedding – 2007

Grandma and her only daughter (my Mom). Katie’s wedding – 2007

Grandma and Jayme. Katie’s wedding – 2007

Here she is with her “boyfriend” Mike. (Who is actually my Sister’s boyfriend. ha)

And, here she is again, getting down at MY wedding with Mitch and Uncle Mark. 2005
I love, Love, LOVE this picture!!!!


Sis, Mom, myself and Gma. Brunch for someone’s b-day. Not sure what year.
(Isn’t that a HOT vest that I’m wearing though! 😉 )

Sis and Gma – her b-day. 2006.

Mom and Gma (and Courtney) – 2006

Mitchell walking Grandma down the aisle at Katie’s wedding. 2007

Grandma and all her snowmen (well, some of her snowmen.) – Christmas 2007
Isn’t she just an ADORABLE person?!?!

Uncle Mark, Gma and Mitch – Christmas 2007

Grandma and Leah (Sis). Katie’s rehearsal dinner – 2007

Gma and I. Katie’s rehearsal dinner – 2007

Gma Mitch and “Gma” Doris.

All the aunts and uncles (minus Aunt Laura). Katie’s wedding – 2007

Gma meeting Katie’s husband Jon’s grandparents. Katie’s rehearsal dinner – 2007

Just some other random family pictures.
If I were to guess, I would say this is from approximately 1986 or 1987.
(I’m the very top, left-hand side. You can find my Sister too, because of course, we always had matching clothes! My brother is on the very right.)

Dress-up day!

With Uncle John. He is always right in the middle of all the kids.
(Check out those AWESOME stone-washed jeans I’m sporting! ha)

This one cracks me up!

My cousin Katie and I got chicken pox at the same time.
We’re sporting the awesome “white makeup” . . . our backs were 10 times worse!

Katie’s face cracks me up!

Uncle John, Aunt Karen and Joseph. Katie’s wedding – 2007

Silly people! Katie’s wedding – 2007

Aunt Corrie, Dan (Jayme’s husband) and I, with our $1.00 bunco prizes. Thanksgiving – 2007

Joseph. Katie’s wedding – 2007

I’m a little embarassed! haha Christmas – 2007

Mom and Joseph. My b-day dinner – 2007

Joseph and I. My b-day dinner – 2007

Ric and Cheyenne dancing. Katie’s wedding – 2007

Justin proposing to Courtney in CO. 2008

Miniature golf at Tilt. Don’t know the year for this one.

All the cousins with Gma’s neighbor, Charlie. Don’t know the year.

The “Jacoby” family.

Jess and her boyfriend.

Mark and Mitch going skiing. 2009 (Aunt Corrie and Uncle Mark live in Switzerland now.)

John, Karen and Joseph again. Such a cute little family. Too bad we don’t see them more, since they live in CO.

Until Cheyenne moved to CO to live with John & Karen, she used to help my Mom deliver wedding cakes on Saturdays.

My Dad and cousin Mitch. . .Dad was always tickeling the cousins!

Courtney and I.

Adam (Bro), Courtney (cousin) and I

Playdough is always fun! Trisha, Katie and Jayme.

Katie and I. Jayme’s wedding – 2007

Ric and Unc John. Jayme’s wedding – 2007

Adam (Bro) and Unc John’s horse in CO. (Adam lives there now.)

I LOVE looking at old photos. It is so much fun.
This was definitely a FUN project, just wish I had more time so that I could go to Mom and Dad’s to pick up some more pictures to scan for the frame. I’m going to have to do that and add them later!

Anyway, tonight we’re going to dinner to celebrate with Grandma. I can’t wait! 🙂


Cubs DO Suck!

This morning I received an e-mail from a friend with these two pictures attached.
Her sister works in the Met Square Building and a friend of hers took these.

They were taking this morning (1/28) – View of Ballpark Village (aka The Old Stadium).


Undomestic Trisha!

I’m not a cooker, I haven’t really gotten myself to enjoy it really; why should I when I have a hubby who loves to cook?!

I will, however, write about this cookbook that we received in the mail from Mom Seelen. It is quite a fun, quirky, awesome cookbook.

Eat, Shrink and Be Merry (They have a website too.)

Here is one page from the cookbook:

They also have other things throughout the whole cookbook, such as comics, quizes, etc. It really is a fun cookbook, even to just read, not only to cook from! 😉


If you go to their website that I posted, you can order the cookbook for buy one, get one free. I highly recommend it!!

They have a blog as well, where you can read more recipe ideas, cooking tips and helpful nutritional advice, plus some funny anecdotes.

New Neighbors

Our new neighbors moved in last week. (The other ones, across the hall; not the one that is moving in downstairs – into Peter’s old apartment.) These people we have never met before. They seem really nice; which is such a relief! 🙂 We’re pretty close with the neighbors that we have had for the past 7 or so years – Peter (downstairs) and Jesse (upstairs) – with the exception of our downstairs neighbor, who we only talk to occasionally, never really hang out with like we used to with the other two. We lost Jesse because him and his girlfriend bought a house in STL, then we lost Peter because he moved to Germany. 😦 We were pretty nervous about who was going to be moving in across the hall (since we already knew that our friend Christi was moving into Peter’s old apartment). I’m glad to say that we are a big relieved. Neighbors can either be okay or make your life a living h3ll (when you’re sharing walls). In fact, I just read a REALLY good book called “Dear Neighbor, Drop Dead.” Put things like this in perspective.

So, we aren’t the type of neighbors who bring our new neighbors chocolate chip cookies, baked goods, pies, etc. to welcome them to the “neighborhood”.

NOPE – we give our new neighbors household furnishings. For instance: a 52″ big screen TV, that we had in our basement. (Kind of like this one I found on Google.)

We were kind of just letting it sit in the basement until we moved into a house and had a place for it. It is one of those “old school” big screen TVs with rear projection. We got it for free from a friend of my brother. Then put $300.00 into it to fix it. When we bought our HD TV from Christi, we put it in the basement. Well, they saw it and asked whose it was, so we said they could buy it from us. Ric helps them move it up into their apt., and then they realize it doesn’t really work that well (must have gotten lonely in the basement – because it worked just fine when we put it down there). So Ric just tells them to keep it, they can pay us if it ends up working, but if they have to put any money into it to get it to work, they can just keep it. So, it is theirs to keep now. Then Ric offers one of our lamps for them to use as well. We have two with “shelves”, so we put our plain black one in the basement (we all share a basement). Ric told them to go ahead and use that as well because they didn’t have one, since we weren’t getting any use out of it. They’re some lucky neighbors! 🙂

What can I say, my husband is a giving man!!! (I think he gets it from his mom! 🙂 )

IDIOTS. . .useless. . .

(A little movie quote there for ya. Do you know what movie that is from???)

I have this friend named Amber (no, she is not the idiot). Well, I e-mail her a couple times throughout the day, while we are both at work. I just vented to her about the idiots that I have to deal with DAY IN AND DAY OUT, so I thought I would come on here and let all of my readers hear my glorious story about the idiots I have to deal with on a daily basis.

There is this form that clients have to fill out and sign after they take this Financial Management course. So we get the certificate from the place they take the course (by e-mail), WE actually fill out the paperwork for them and then we send it to them. I highlight where they are to sign and date, with a “sign here” sticky and mail it to them including a letter with an explanation that they need to sign, date and return to our office. Easy, correct?! So, I get this call about 5 minutes ago from this guy that received one I sent to him last week. He says “So, I just got this letter from your office about a form I need to sign and send back.” pause “Um, so I guess I need to sign it and send it back to you, correct?” WOW!!!! My exact words to him are, “Yes, that is what the letter says, that you need to sign it and send it back.” Okay, so maybe I was a little cruel, but REALLY????!!!!???? Does this guy need someone to wipe his arse when he uses the restroom too I wonder??

I also got in my mail today a form that I sent to some clients which I had highlighted where they needed to sign it and date it. They send it back signed with no date. PAY ATTENTION PEOPLE!!!

What an interesting life I lead!

Interview With Trisha

I found one of my favorite blogs through my friend, Jenn.
It is called “Wearing Mascara“. The author’s name is Julie and she is a great author. Go check out her blog!

A few days ago she was interviewed by someone and I read her responses. Then I chose to be on of her interviewees. These are the questions that Julie asked me.

Read to the end of this post to find out how you can be interviewed.

1. Do you have any pets? If so, what kind and what are they like?
Yes, I have one pet. I like to call him my “furbaby”. I had two, until recently. On New Years, as most of you know, I lost my baby kitty, Jesse. I also have a “fursister”, named Cupcake. Of course, I can’t just talk about them, I have to post pictures of them also. Enjoy! 🙂
Here little Elvis, the prettiest kitty in the World!!

Here is Jesse, my little guy who I miss SOOOO much!

Brotherly Love

And here is my “fursister”, Cupcake.

2. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do NOT actually. Of course, as for most things, this doesn’t ALWAYS apply. Mostly I just do not believe in LOVE for someone, as in significant other, at first sight. Now, I do not have any children of my own (except my furbabies), but my BFF has three beautiful children, and I know that when you have a child, that is definitely love at first sight (even before you actually “see” them).

As far as love at first sight with a significant other, I do believe that you have to get to know someone before you can really LOVE them.

3. From the time you wake up to when you leave your house, what is your daily (M-F) routine?
My M-F routine is pretty much the same each day. My work hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. I work approximately one mile from home, so I only have to leave 10 minutes before I have to be at work. I try to start at least by 8:15 a.m., sometimes I don’t actually start until 8:20-8:25 a.m. I am NOT a morning person. I stay up until at least midnight each night, if not later, so that is why I get to “sleep in” so late in the mornings. I get out of bed, walk to my dresser and pick out a clean pair of underwear, I walk to the bathroom and start the shower and get ready to “hop” in. I hop in the shower and do my thing in there. I get out and get dressed. (I always put my PJs back on – because if I put the clothes that I want to wear that day on right away, I will have a wet shirt, because of my wet hair. See my reasoning there. ha) Then I gel my hair, blow-dry for a few minutes, brush my teeth, etc., and head to the bedroom to pick out what I’m going to wear that day. I get dressed, get my shoes on, and usually by then realize I am supposed to be leaving, or should have already left by then. Head to the car and drive to work.

4. What is your favorite or most inspirational blog and why?
Because I am a photographer, I subscribe to a TON of photographer blogs. So I have a LOT of photographers’ blogs as my inspiration. Just a few of my favorites are:
Dustin Izatt Photo – True inspiration. They are a husband/wife photography team. I LOVE reading their blogs and seeing their amazing photos. It made me love them even more when they commented on a few of my blogs (Jillian & Ricky and Julie & Nate), complimenting me on my photography. What an amazing feeling that was, because I’m not even NEAR as talented as they are (YET). That isn’t the only reason, they are VERY, extremely talented photographers and I can only hope to be as awesome as them some day!

Sara of SJMacky Photography – I have had the opportunity to second shoot with Sara twice. She has taught me so much. She is the reason I shoot in Manual, as opposed to Auto, now. I enjoy her blog posts and love seeing her photos. She has grown SO much since I started reading her blog. I just love her style!

Shelley Paulson Photography – I had the opportunity of meeting her one time, at my friend Amanda’s wedding, in Minnesota. She is an amazing photographer as well, and I love reading all about her amazing experiences with The Call, and stuff like that.

And last but not least. . .
Bobbi + Mike – If you have never heard of them before, you are obviously living under a rock! 😉 They are amazing. I just LOVE Bobbi’s personality too. I can only imagine how awesome she is in person from her blogging style. I giggle at least one time during each post she makes, because she is just that awesome! 🙂

5. Which part of your body is your favorite and why?
My favorite part of my body is my face. Mainly because of my baby blue eyes, my cute dimples (that everyone comments on) and my smile. Which, may I add, I use a lot. I LOVE to smile. 🙂 Even when I was a little girl! 😉





See what I mean?! 🙂 😀

Do you want to be interviewed?
The rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me” AND leave your email address in the comment!
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

EASY enough, correct?! Go ahead and leave me a comment and I will e-mail you with your 5 questions. Go NOW. 😀

Today I say to you. . .

“Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America — they will be met.” ~President Obama

Best of luck to you President Obama! I hope you keep your promises!


Aretha Franklin

Comical Relief

I enjoy being Ric’s comical relief. When he is having a bad day, hard time, etc., I LOVE to try my hardest to make him laugh! Heck, I love trying to get anyone to laugh, that is just one of my quirks!

Yesterday when I got home from work, our friend Christi was over, and they were trying to set up Ric’s new Playstation 3 that I got him for Christmas. Well, apparently it wasn’t going so well, because when I walked in the door I could just tell that he was a little on the cranky side. I chose to go ahead and go to Gold’s to do my work-out and get out of his way. (Yesterday was 3 for 3 at the gym, BTW. GO ME!!! 😀 ) Anyway, when I got home I was getting some ice for gimpy Christi (she is still on crutches from her broken foot). Apparently I dropped one. Later I went back in the kitchen to do something else, and with only socks on, stepped in a water puddle. I HATE wet socks, so I was irritated. Christi (the comic reliever that she is) says, “Hey don’t worry about it, I know it is frustrating, but you know that your man (Ric) just did 15 loads (slight exaggeration) of laundry, so I’m sure there are more where those came from.” Yeah, thanks. Good thought. So, my cell phone rings and I go to my bedroom and put on some nice, clean, dry socks. I come back out to do something else in the kitchen, and because I’m on the phone and not quite thinking clearly, what do I do? You guessed it. Stepped in the SAME water puddle. I’m on the phone, talking about wedding stuff with a friend, and start giggling. Go into the living room to tell Christi what I just did. I get off the phone, walk into the office, wet socks and all, and tell Ric what I just did. He just burst out in laughter. . .then I laughed some more. . .then I went to change my socks AGAIN. Only this time I walk back in the kitchen and clean up the water puddle. By the time my socks are dry, the water puddle is cleaned up and I sit down to watch some American Idol with Christi; Ric walks in the room and asks, “So, did you clean UP the water, or just leave it there again?” I proudly said, “YES, I sure did. THANK YOU!” Ric walks in the kitchen and steps in a water puddle. Apparently I either didn’t do a good job cleaning it up or there was another melted ice cube on the floor that I did not know about. LOL OOPSIES!! Sorry about that Ric. Ric took care of the mess, while Christi and I watched our American Idol. Interesting night, huh?!

Good story Trish!

Yep, this was me!!! (How cool to find something on-line SO fitting!)

American Idol Season 8

Last night was the first night for American Idol.
Some love it, some hate it. Some love the auditions, some hate the auditions.
I love it all – the auditions, silly or real – I LOVE IT!

I have been waiting for last night for months now, and I’m SO excited that it’s back on!
Elvis and I watched together. He slept through some of it though!

Afterwards I got a text from my BFF Erin saying “American Idol is back baby! Holla!!!”
😀 Her, BFF Colleen and I were all excited it was back!!!!

I wrote back stating that I don’t think it is NEAR as cool without her on it.
She has an awesome voice, and I really think if she were ever to make it in to audition, she would be chosen to go to Hollywood and would go far, if not even WIN!!!
I’m not biased because she is a BFF. . .It is a FACT!

She has been in a number of musicals/shows. She even played Dorothy in a production Wizard of Oz years ago.

The only reason she has not tried out yet is because she has a daughter at home, and doesn’t want to have to leave her for that long. Logical enough. BUT, now that they have moved to CA, and she is closer to Hollywood. . .maybe she will re-think that decision! After all, that is a dream of hers! I think she would go a LONG way too!!! How cool would that be to have a famous BFF!?!?!?!?

Don’t you think someone with a good voice as her (trust me on this one) and someone THIS beautiful would go far?!


Tonight are the Kansas City auditions.
I can’t wait to watch!
Anyone else as excited as us?

Need a Gift?

I might be able to help! 🙂

I enjoy making these for family and friends. I made JACOBY and SEELEN frames for my Mom and Ric’s Mom for Mother’s Day, 2008. In August, when my brother moved to CO, I made a Jacoby frame for him as a house-warming gift. Then in October my aunt saw our Jacoby frame and wanted one of her own, so I made one for her.


This is the most recent one that I made for my friend Angie, which she used as a Christmas gift, as well as one to keep for herself.



And, this is my most FAVORITE “E”. 🙂 (It’s from Disney World ~ the top of Cinderella’s castle.)

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